Latchford St James: Fundraising challenges to raise money for school trips

Latchford St James Primary School have been raising money to fund school trips for its pupils, which caught the attention of BBC Newsround.

Staff, parents and governors from Latchford St James school took part in an epic three peaks challenge, taking the three highest peaks in Scotland, England and Wales over 24 hours. The incredible initiatives captured the attention of children’s television news programme, BBC Newsround, who visited the school to film and cover a story on the fundraising activities.

Children have taken part in sponsored events with their classes whilst having great fun along the way. Reception and Nursery did some dancing, Year 1 took a walk around the local park, whilst Year 2 did a run-around-the-playground.

Year 3 took on the bleep test with the added pressure of being filmed for Newsround. Year 4 held a very popular Bake Sale, Year 5 did a Zumbathon, which was also filmed, and Year 6 had a break the rules day.

Funds raised already surpassed the target of £6,000, with donations from residents and local businesses since the announcement of the fundraising event.

Read the story featured in the Warrington Guardian and watch the piece on CBBC Newsround.


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