Supporting Church Schools in the Diocese of Chester

Who are ChesterDBE?

Chris Penn
Linda Boys

Meet the Team

  • Diocesan Director of Education

    Chris Penn is the DDE and the lead for all aspects of the DBE’s work. Acting as Company Secretary to the DBE, he is the officer acting on the Board’s behalf overseeing the team of officers to ensure they fulfil their roles and the expectations of the Board.

  • Deputy Director of Education

    Sue Noakes is the Deputy Director of Education. As well supporting the DDE and deputising when necessary, the DDDE gives support to schools on academy conversion, admissions, governor recruitment, governor training and support, headteacher wellbeing, overseeing SIAMS support as well as involvement in a number of local, regional and national groups and initiatives. The DDDE also offers support for Chairs of governors and clergy with church schools through individual contact and networks.

  • School Effectiveness Officer

    Mark Whitehill is the School Effectiveness Officer. The SEO liaises with LAs to provide support for schools experiencing difficulties, He offers support to individual schools on school Improvement, preparation for Ofsted, curriculum advice, and headteacher support. He also takes the lead in peer support networks around Disadvantage and SEND as well as contributing to the programme of CPD. The SEO attends the majority of Ofsted feedbacks and represents the DBE during inspections. Along with the DDE and DDDE the SEO leads headteacher cluster meetings and provides pastoral support for schools as necessary.

  • Distinctiveness & SIAMS Officer

    Jen McIlveen is the Christian Character and CPD Officer. Working with the SEO she oversees the training programme for the DBE. This means ensuring a wide range of courses that provide support for aspects specific to church schools, including an Early Careers support programme. The CCCPDO works with the DDDE in supporting schools in preparation for their SIAMS inspections. She provides particular support with regards to vision work, RE, worship, Spiritual Development and takes a lead for the DBE in the diocesan response to the Growing Faith initiative. She leads the SIAMS ‘keeping on track’ programme and liaises closely with the DBE’s independent RE advisers.

  • Christian Distinctiveness & Worship Officer

    Ali is the Christian Distinctiveness & Worship Officer. Her role particularly focuses on enabling school leaders, chaplains and clergy to enrich and develop collective worship that leads to spiritual flourishing for pupils and adults. Working alongside the Christian Distinctiveness and CPD Officer, she provides support and training for aspects specific to church school development. Ali is also part of the team providing 'family of schools' and 'keeping on track' visits to school.

  • Schools’ Adviser

    Providing support for schools and leading some of our networks alongside Mark Whitehill, School Effectiveness Officer

  • Governance Officer & Administrator

    Linda Boys is the School Administrative Assistant. As well providing general support and assistance to the whole team and their activities. Linda also administers Foundation governor appointments, supports the training programme planning and oversees it throughout the year through the online booking system. She supports the finance function of the Board through invoicing and chasing payments as well as creating and distributing the e-bulletin and other communications.

  • PA to the Diocesan Director of Education

    Susan acts as the PA to Chris Penn and is therefore the first point of contact for scheduling appointments with the DDE.

Chester Diocesan Board of Education is a statutory body which is governed by the Diocesan Boards of Education Measure 2021 and so we have a few legal duties to fulfil:

  • promote or assist in the promotion of education in the diocese that is consistent with the faith and practice of the Church of England;

  • promote or assist in the promotion of religious education and religious worship in schools in the diocese;

  • promote or assist in the promotion of church schools in the diocese;

  • promote co-operation between itself and other persons concerned with education in the diocese.

Who We Are

ChesterDBE has existed in one form or another since 1943. Since day one, our aim has been to support Church of England schools in the Diocese.

The way we support schools has changed a lot over the years, but the vision hasn’t: to support our schools to be communities which are loving in relationships, ambitious in aspirations, and bold in actions.

Discover more about the Board of Education.