School Effectiveness Support
School Effectiveness Support
The DBE provides school effectiveness support through its officer, Mark Whitehill. This work covers a broad spectrum of support to individual schools on school improvement, preparation for Ofsted, curriculum advice, and headteacher support, as well as a access to a number of networks.
It also includes liaison with local authorities and Multi-Academy trusts for schools experiencing difficulties.
Bespoke support offer for schools
As part of the school effectiveness offer, schools can request support on a range of aspects of school improvement. This bespoke service can be purchased at a preferential rate for members of the DBE Family of Schools.
Diocesan School Information Service
Delivered by Mark Whitehill, Diocesan School Effectiveness Officer, this service will provide the school with a comprehensive range of news items throughout the year, to ensure that school leaders and governors are kept up-to-date with current and upcoming educational information.