Stockport St George’s: Bold in Action
We have been busy this term working hard with the whole school community to develop a deeper understanding of our school vision and how it is expressed through the life of our school. Part of our vision is “Bold in action” but what does this mean in the life of our school?
Last year after several collective worships which had conservation and caring for our planet as their theme, the children requested that we set up an Eco council. The council started to research climate change and realised to their shock the dramatic effects that climate change is having on Melanesia. Rising sea levels are causing great damage and hardship to these beautiful islands. Armed with their research the children put together a power point and wrote a collective worship to explain to the rest of the school the problems Melanesia is facing.
Imagine our excitement when we were told that we were luckily enough to be hosting a visit from two Brothers from Melanesia, Bishop Sam and Bishop Mark. The Eco council talked to their classes and came up with a list of questions, prayers and songs to present to the Brothers. On 27th February we finally got to meet them, it was a lovely occasion, the brothers were so generous with their answers and time. We learnt first-hand about their life and what it is like to be a Christian in Melanesia. We found out how they and Bishop Sam and Mark had become Christians. What a wonderful morning.
Eco council came away inspired and are busily conducting energy audits and trying to raise awareness of how we can be “Bold in action” and how we can deepen our understanding of our vision and purpose.