DBE Team News - Schools’ Adviser Appointment Announced
We are delighted to announce the appointment of David Burrows as Schools’ Adviser for the Board of Education.
Starting in January, David will join the DBE team providing support for schools and leading some of our networks alongside Mark Whitehill, School Effectiveness Officer.
Currently headteacher of Dawpool CE Primary School in Thurstaston, David brings a wealth of church school experience to the role and will add further strength to the DBE team and our offer to our schools.
David said, "It brings me great joy to join the Board of Education, working alongside the DBE officers to develop the unique Christian character, identity and practice of our church schools. My motivation is for Jesus to be central in our school communities, and I am passionate about supporting both children and adults to discover and embrace the abundant life that Jesus offers."
Chris Penn, Director of Education said, “We are thrilled to welcome someone of David’s calibre to our team and all that he will bring to this new role, complementing the qualities of the existing team.”