Message from Bishop Mark

Bishop Mark, the Bishop of Chester, gives a message of encouragement to all who work with and support the Church School in the Diocese.

Video Transcript:

I want to say three things:

Firstly, a massive thank you.

Secondly, just to give voice to the ‘wow’ that just rings through every part of me when I think about the schools in this Diocese. And thirdly, to assure you of my ongoing prayers and support

My name is Mark, I'm the Bishop of Chester. I have the privilege of presiding over this great Diocese, of which the church schools are such an important part. We have these aspirations to loving excellence, to building on Christian foundations to enable every child to thrive, the aspiration to boldness that we will courageously enable children to take steps which enable them to fulfil the potential that we believe that God has given them.

This aspiration for children to excel – and to thrive in the people that they can be – it's partly about investment in them of course, but actually it's an investment in the whole community the whole society of which we are part as health grows every level. As we not just encourage excellence in education, although of course that matters, but the pursuit of wisdom those age-old Christian values like: forgiveness, and hope, and joy, and playfulness, and all these things which really matter; which I have the privilege of seeing embodied in school after school as I go around visiting. Which is where that sense of ‘wow’ rises up.

I don't know how you manage to do the work that you do but I am so grateful that you do. As you treat each child with dignity, investing in their lives, investing in them as people, but also investing in the very hope of our nation.

And that sense of ambition that lies around our schools – actually around the whole of Cheshire, and Wirral, and South Manchester – but particularly our church schools. It is a gift that we need to cherish and emulate. So thank you for what you do.

Secondly, just an amazing ‘wow’! You are astonishing. And it's great privilege for me to stand alongside you and cheer you on; and advocate for you and with you in a wider societal spere.

And then thirdly, to express that support which lies at my own heart as I pray for you and with you, as I seek to speak up for you on the public stage whenever I got the chance and stand with great joy and pride alongside you

So thank you, ‘wow’, and thank you for standing with me as I am privileged to stand with you God bless you in the work that you do.


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