Chester Diocesan Board of Education

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Eco-anxiety: we need to have a chat about this… | Decarb24

OK, this wasn’t what this video was originally supposed to be about. But in researching and preparing for this month’s video, it’s clear that we need to chat about this.

A global survey in 2021 found that nearly 60% of people aged 16-25 said that they felt "very" or "extremely" worried about climate change. While three quarters of young people think the future is frightening with 56% believing ‘humanity is doomed’. And almost 40% of young people are hesitant to have children.

Today we’re going to be diving into an issue that is becoming more common among young people: Eco-anxiety.

Don’t forget to share what you’re doing to reduce Eco-anxiety in your school.

See this form in the original post

Simon Geddes
School Building Officer