Christian Aid: Get Creative for Climate Justice

Get Creative for Climate Justice in Autumn 2024!

Join in and support young people you work with to raise their voices through art!

Christian Aid is excited to invite schools to take part in a courageous advocacy project:

  • supporting children to learn about climate justice

  • using creative arts to share their messages

  • engaging their local MP and wider community through a local exhibition of pupils artworks.

As well as hosting your own local exhibition, Christian Aid is working in partnership with Oxfam, CAFOD, Send My Friend, The Royal Society of Literature, and The Climate Coalition, to host an exhibition of children's artworks in Parliament in January or February.

Christian Aid have created a range of accessible resources to support your schools participation in the project; they're available on our website.

The deadline for submitting artwork for the parliamentary exhibition is the 29th of November. Further details can be found online and in the Resource Pack.

Please let us know if you would like to take part! For more information and to register for the project email


DBE School Leaders’ Conference | 21 Nov 2024


North West High Schools RE Conference | Mon 7th Oct