Chester Diocesan Board of Education

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CDAT School Improvement Offer 2024/25 - Deadline Extended!

Below are details with CDAT’s School Improvement Offer for this academic year. Deadline for sign up has been extended to 31st October to allow payment in two separate transactions.

Our trust co-ordinates and administers the Headteacher Consultant Service on behalf of Chester Diocesan Board of Education. The service allows schools to broker support from one of the Diocese’s list of Headteacher Consultants for ‘pen portraits’.

Headteacher Consultant support is available in the form of:

  • Headteacher Performance Management (Autumn term)

  • School Improvement Partner visits (up to 1 per term)

    There is a flat-rate fee for either service, based on half-day in school plus preparation and report-writing time and costs of travel.

For schools who would like to sign up to the Headteacher Consultant service for 2024-25, please follow the booking link below before the 31st October 2024 – the facility will close on that day, so schools will need to decide on the service(s) they would like to sign up to before that date.

Please note: Schools who completed the ‘Survey Monkey’ expressing interest in booking Headteacher Consultant, are still required to book.

If you have any questions or queries with any of the courses, please email Emma Furlong at CDAT.

If you would like any advice or have queries about the choice of Headteacher Consultant for your school, please contact the DBE School’s Effectiveness Officer, Mark Whitehill.